Choosing the Right Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Ever ridden a motorcycle through the streets of Glendale, wind rushing past your face, adrenaline pumping in your veins? Now imagine that exhilarating ride turning into a nightmare because of an accident. Shattering bones and dreams alike.

A truly harrowing sight, no?

The harsh reality is – for many motorcyclists in Glendale this imagery becomes their lived experience. They are left grappling with injuries, emotional trauma, mounting medical bills…and often feel like David battling Goliath when they have to take on insurance companies.

This is where a seasoned Glendale motorcycle accident lawyer can make all the difference! These legal eagles swoop down on negligent parties responsible for such accidents and ensure victims get fair compensation for their pain.

Feeling intrigued? If so, buckle up tight because we’re just getting started!

Understanding the Severity of Motorcycle Accidents in Glendale

Motorcycle accidents can be incredibly devastating. In fact, Arizona’s Department of Transportation reports a staggering 2,676 total motorcycle crashes last year.

The grim reality is that these incidents led to severe injuries for over 2,000 riders and even proved fatal for 170 individuals. The pain and loss stemming from such accidents are unimaginable.

The Grim Reality of Motorcycle Accidents

Riding motorcycles offers an unmatched sense of freedom on the open road. But this comes with risks – serious ones like broken bones or spinal cord injuries; minor yet painful afflictions like road rash aren’t uncommon either.

In Glendale alone, many victims suffer from life-altering consequences post-motorcycle accident injuries every year. These mishaps can happen due to a multitude of reasons ranging from negligent drivers not spotting bikes in their blind spot to dangerous roadway conditions causing unsuspecting motorcyclists to crash.

We’re dealing with more than numbers here – real people have had their lives changed due to events out of their control.

If you ever find yourself involved in a motorcycle crash around Arizona or know someone who has been through one recently—reach out for help immediately.

Note: Your safety should always come first. So if you do get into an accident while riding your bike within Glendale city limits (or anywhere else), make sure you prioritize seeking immediate medical attention above everything else.

Remember – nothing trumps your well-being.

The Importance of Legal Representation in Motorcycle Accident Cases

After a motorcycle accident, you may be left feeling confused and overwhelmed. You might question how to navigate the complex legal system or fight for fair compensation. This is where an experienced Glendale motorcycle accident lawyer comes into play.

The Role of a Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

An expert attorney, like those at Goldberg & Osborne, can guide victims through the intricate legal process. With over 23 years under their belt representing personal injury victims, they’ve managed to recover more than $2 billion in compensation for their clients.

A seasoned Glendale motorcycle accident attorney not only understands the nuances of Arizona’s laws but also knows how insurance companies operate when faced with claims from injured motorcyclists.

This wealth of experience makes them your best ally when it comes time to negotiate settlements or argue cases before judges and juries if necessary. Their role extends beyond just securing financial recovery – they are committed to ensuring justice is served by holding negligent parties accountable for their actions on the road.

So remember: after an unfortunate event such as a bike crash, don’t face this battle alone. Reach out for professional help that could make all the difference between getting what you rightfully deserve and settling for less than ideal outcomes.

Steps to Take Following a Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle accident can be a terrifying experience. The steps you take immediately following the incident are crucial in protecting your rights and setting the stage for fair compensation.

The first thing is ensuring safety. If possible, move away from traffic to avoid further risk of injury. Next, call 911 and report the accident even if it seems minor at first glance.

Contacting Law Enforcement

You should always contact law enforcement after an accident because they’ll document important details in their report which may prove invaluable when filing an insurance claim.

Gathering Evidence

Take pictures of the scene including damage to your motorcycle and any visible injuries. Also note down details like time, location, weather conditions as well as witness information.

Filing Insurance Claims

In most cases, insurance companies tend to minimize payouts on claims so getting legal advice before making an insurance claim can help ensure that you’re adequately compensated for medical expenses and other losses associated with your accident.

Seeking Legal Advice

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle crash it’s vital that you consult with a Glendale motorcycle accident lawyer promptly after contacting law enforcement officers and receiving necessary medical attention.

These experienced professionals understand intricacies of Arizona’s personal injury laws providing essential support during this challenging time.

They work tirelessly towards holding negligent parties accountable while securing financial restitution needed for recovery process.

Remember: It’s still possible to file an injury claim even without possessing a valid driver’s license or helmet at the moment of collision.

The Complexities of Motorcycle Accident Cases

Motorcycle accidents are not simple matters. They’re complex puzzles that require careful unravelling by a skilled Glendale motorcycle accident attorney. One aspect that often complicates these cases is the biases against motorcyclists.

Overcoming Biases Against Motorcyclists

Stereotypes can color perceptions, leading to an unjust bias against bikers in courtrooms and insurance companies alike. The public may perceive riders as reckless or daredevils, but this couldn’t be further from the truth for most.

Bikers often bear the brunt of other road users’ negligence. Despite the negative outlook of many, bikers often have difficulty obtaining justice and recompense for their wounds because of these preconceived notions.

This is where a seasoned Glendale motorcycle accident lawyer becomes crucial. A good lawyer knows how important it is to present clear evidence demonstrating that the biker was not at fault—thus debunking any unfounded prejudices about them being inherently risky drivers.

Gathering strong evidence can help turn around negative opinions towards bikers involved in crashes caused by negligent parties. Torgenson Law has over 20 years of experience representing injury victims in Arizona,

Torgenson Law, so you can trust us with your case.

Each element – photos from crash sites, eyewitness testimonies or video footage- helps paint a clearer picture showing who’s truly responsible for causing such unfortunate incidents on our roads.

This painstaking process isn’t easy—it takes diligence and expertise—but overcoming bias plays an essential role in securing fair compensation for injured motorcyclists.

Evaluating Injuries and Calculating Losses After a Motorcycle Accident

After a motorcycle accident, the physical toll is immediately apparent. Common injuries include broken bones and fractures, road rash, loss of sight or smell, facial damage, internal bleeding – even trauma to internal organs. Yet it’s not just about diagnosing these injuries; there’s also the need for an accurate calculation of total expected losses.

A skilled Glendale personal injury attorney can help in this process. They understand that head injuries might lead to ongoing cognitive issues or that neck and back injuries could result in long-term pain requiring continuous treatment.

Their expertise doesn’t stop at evaluating physical damages either. They’ll consider all possible impacts on your life – including potential job loss due to disability or diminished earning capacity because of prolonged recovery time.

Finding Fair Compensation: It’s More Than Just Medical Bills

Your attorney will work hard calculating losses after an accident — factoring more than just medical bills into account when determining fair compensation for you as an injured motorcyclist.

They’ll evaluate costs related to property damage repairs (like getting your bike fixed), future therapy sessions if required, lost wages during recuperation periods and potentially any permanent disabilities incurred from such traumatic incidents.

Navigating Complexities with Your Personal Injury Claim

Making sure every aspect is considered when filing a claim isn’t easy without professional guidance though — which is why reaching out early-on can make a significant difference in achieving successful financial outcomes following these unfortunate events.

Navigating Insurance Claims After a Motorcycle Accident

After a motorcycle accident, filing an insurance claim can seem like navigating through murky waters. But don’t fret. Let’s break it down.

The first step is reporting the accident to your insurance company. This initiates the claims process. Be honest and thorough in describing the incident details, as inaccuracies may harm your claim later on.

Consult with a Lawyer Before Making an Insurance Claim

Your next move should be consulting with an experienced Glendale motorcycle accident lawyer. You might wonder why you need legal help for what seems like routine paperwork. The insurance companies frequently seek to pay the least amount possible when you submit an insurance claim.

An attorney well-versed in motorcycle accidents law, will guide you in compiling necessary documentation such as medical bills, repair estimates, and evidence of lost wages due to injury – all vital for calculating potential compensation figures.

Tackling Negotiations and Possible Litigation

A skilled lawyer also proves invaluable during negotiations with at-fault parties’ insurers or even court proceedings if settlement talks fail. Remember this: insurers aim to minimize payouts; they have attorneys working hard on their side too.

If fighting against these giants sounds daunting, take heart because seasoned lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis – meaning they get paid only when they win your case. It’s not just about financial compensation but justice served right.


  • This article isn’t intended as legal advice nor does it form any client-attorney privilege relationship.
  • Please consult with an attorney for advice specific to your situation.

FAQs in Relation to Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

How much are most motorcycle accident settlements?

Settlement amounts can vary, but typically range from $10k to $250k. The amount hinges on injury severity and the specifics of your case.

How much compensation do you get for a motorcycle accident?

You could potentially net substantial compensation, but it’s contingent upon factors like fault, medical costs, lost wages and pain suffered.

How much do accident attorneys charge in California?

In California, personal injury lawyers often work on a contingency basis, taking around 33%-40% of any recovered damages as fees.

What is the average payout for a motorcycle accident in Texas?

Texas payouts differ greatly based on each case’s unique circumstances. But they commonly land between $5k-$100k or more depending upon injuries and liability issues.


Motorcycle accidents in Glendale are grim realities. From shattered bones to traumas affecting the spinal cord, the consequences can be life-altering.

A glendale motorcycle accident lawyer plays a pivotal role in such scenarios. They navigate through legal complexities and fight for fair compensation.

Taking immediate steps post-accident is crucial. It preserves your rights and bolsters chances of a just settlement.

The process may seem daunting – overcoming biases against motorcyclists, evaluating injuries, calculating losses… But remember, with an experienced attorney by your side, you’re not alone on this journey!

Your next step? Consult a seasoned personal injury attorney before filing any insurance claim because remember: Insurance companies aren’t always on your side!